This package contains distribution files for the DataTables library for jQuery. Only the core software for this library is contained in this package - to be correctly styled, a styling package for DataTables must also be included. Styling options include DataTable's native styling, Bootstrap and Foundation.
Full documentation of the DataTables options, API and plug-in interface are available on the website. The site also contains information on the wide variety of plug-ins that are available for DataTables, which can be used to enhance and customise your table even further.
<!-- Plugin css file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/bundles/dataTables.min.css">
<!-- Plugin Js -->
<script src="assets/bundles/dataTables.bundle.js"></script>
<!-- Page js -->
$(document).ready( function () {
.addClass( 'nowrap' )
.dataTable( {
responsive: true,